Let Jersey Tactical Corporation assist your agency with their training needs on the following topics:

  • Forcible Entry for the Patrol Officer.
  • Train the Trainer Forcible Entry For Patrol.
  • Advanced forcible entry for the ESU/SWAT operator.
  • Active Shooter Patrol Response.
  • NJ Mandatory AG Annual Active Shooter training.
  • Tactical Handgun.
    Tactical Rifle/Subgun.
  • Criminal Interdiction for the Patrol Officer.

Contact us for a quote or to request customizing to your needs. JTC will travel to your location to complete all of the above listed modules and will provide your agency with an additional Insurance Rider for said blocks of instruction by our professional staff. All courses will result in a certificate of completion being issued to all students who complete the blocks of instruction.

In an effort to go Green, JTC no longer accepts faxes. All inquiries can be scanned and or emailed to [email protected]


1 day Breaching for Patrol response to an Active Shooter Event

This course is designed to provide a safe working environment on the topic of Breaching. The course is based off the premise of worst-case scenarios such as an active shooter event. This base course will consist of 1 eight-hour day and will concentrate on outward and inward opening doors primarily. Upon completion of the course the student should be familiar with the basic understandings of breaching and construction of the door and jamb. The student will be able to identify different style doors including panic bar doors and other fire rated material that change the method of breaching at times. The Course is designed for the student to bring any and all forcible entry equipment they own or their agency has supplied to them that would be readily accessible from their patrol vehicles at a service call. The course is NOT SPECIIFC TO OUR EQUIPMENT and all are allowed to use our equipment to try during the course but are not permitted to use it for their end of course practical exercises if they own other equipment. WHY? ANSWER: BECAUSE WE WANT TO TRAIN YOU WITH WHAT EVER YOU WILL HAVE DURING THAT EMERGENCY!!!! IF YOU CAN’T GET IN YOU CAN’T SAVE ANYONE.

1 Day Breaching with a Ballistic Shield

This course is designed to provide the basic understanding of how to breach using a shield for this course JTC will use 2 shields they designed and invented with Armor Express (The JTC-P4LIFE-SHIELD and the JTC Breacher’s SHIELD) The student will also be permitted to use any shield they wish to bring with the to the course. The student will perform the following functions dooring the course. 

  1. Inward opening doors with a shield
  2. Outward opening doors shield
  3. Approaches to target Shield
  4. Porting with a shield 
  5. Brake and rake/windows with a shield
  6. Vehicle assaults/brake N rake with a shield

2 Day JTC-CLAW Patrol Instructor (Train the Trainer)

This 2-day course is designed for the student to arrive with little to no experience breaching with a JTC CLAW. Upon the completion of the 2-day instructor course the student will be able to teach the following.

  1. basic prying
  2. basic ramming
  3. basic sledge motion
  4. inward opening door breaching
  5. outward opening door breaching
  6. Panic Bar doors
  7. an overview of commercial glass
  8. how to break pad locks and cut steel cable

The instructor prior to being certified as a JTC Patrol CLAW instructor will have to complete a minimum skills assessment as well as teach backs on the JTC CLAW. The instructor must take a 50 Question Written test and pass the test with a minimum score to achieve the title of JTC CLAW Patrol Instructor. Upon successfully completing the course the new instructor will receive a certificate of completion.

3 Day Advanced Manual Breaching Course 

This course has a prerequisite of being a breacher to attend or you must be given a wavier to attend the course by JTC. It is designed to teach the lost art of Breaching. With today’s technologies many breachers of today cannot safely or effectively perform manual breaching. The #2 rule of Breaching is always had a Mechanical or Manual breaching back up ready for the 1 of the 4 other types of breaching. Why?MURPHY that’s why!!! The course will consist of the student attending all 3 days to receive a certificate. Prior to receiving a certificate, the student must successfully complete the written exam on Day 3. All students must bring the equipment they are using in the field to train with what they are using. The student will perform a very high number of reps all 3 days in order to become proficient in the craft of Manual Breaching. Topics will be the following 

  1. Ramming correctly
  2. High Ramming
  3. Low Ramming
  4. Prying
  5. Gaping 
  6. BrakeNRake 
  7. Windows 
  8. Pad locks
  9. Cable
  10. Hinges
  11. Porting
  12. How to sledge correctly
  13. How to produce Horsepower
  14. How to avoid an injury
  15. QCB breaching techniques

Train the Trainer forcible Entry for Patrol Course

Let JTC travel to your agency and train your trainers as instructors for forcible entry for patrol response to emergency and active shooters. Email us at [email protected] for a quote or use our Contact Us page.

Situational Awareness For The Business Professional Course

This is designed to provide a combination of lecture and practical exercises with the students to result and the greatest success of self-protection for the students’ current abilities or workplace environments. The course can range from a half day, full day or 2-day course with practical exercises the second day. The course can also add the personal protection application of OC (Pepper Spray) as well. For more information please email [email protected] or use our Contact Us page for a quote for your custom program for your staff or co-workers. See images from a recent course here.

Women’s Self Defense Course:

This is designed to be a hands-on course and requires the student to arrive in sports attire for the course. The course can be a half day or a full day and designed specifically for each customer requests. The course is taught to provide a combination of situational awareness with physical techniques used for escape and preservation of one’s well being. For more information please email [email protected] or use our Contact Us page for a quote to for your custom program for your staff or co-workers.

The Gurnee Illinois Police Department, in partnership with Woodland School District 50 and Columbia College Chicago filmed produced and released a lock-down training video to be utilized in the school environment.

VIDEO: Attention Students and Staff”

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