Jersey Tactical Corp. is owned and operated by two inventors who strive to provide the very best American Made equipment for the men and women who provide security for the citizens of the United States of America. Simply stated, we will not place an inferior product on the market. We formed our organization out of necessity for products that made practical sense in the field. Our company is willing to listen to the needs of end users and create products to fulfill these needs.

Is a full-time sworn law enforcement officer in North East, NJ for the past 11 years. He is a team leader assigned to a Regional Swat Team in Northern NJ. John currently is an instructor at a NJ Municipal Police Academy. John is the recipient of the Police Medal Twice during his career as well as receiving numerous commendations for bravery in the line of duty. John has been detached to a regional narcotics and organized crime task force multiple times during his career as well as being a certified Drug Recognition expert for the State of New Jersey. John is certified to instruct in countless categories and he is avid participant in multiple styles of Martial Arts.
Is currently a Lt. in a county Sheriff’s Office in NJ. He is the training Lt. for the Corrections Division. In addition to his training duties he is the Commander of the Sheriff’s Office Special Response Team; the Commander of the Correctional Response Team; Commander of the Gang Unit; Deputy Commander of the Project Lifesaver Task Force and a Team Leader on the county SWAT Team. Prior to his career in the Sheriff’s Office he was a bounty hunter for 4 ½ years and in the United States Marine Corps for 4 years. His MOS was Infantry but was assigned to classified duties.

HADDON has been with the Franklin Township Police Department for thirty years, serving in Patrol, Investigations and Street Crime. He is currently a Patrol Sergeant and Lead Firearms Instructor. He has also been a member of the Somerset County SWAT Team for twenty-five years, where he is an Entry Team Leader and a lead instructor for the team and at the Active Shooter Response Instructor School. Haddon has attended numerous tactical courses and has trained with many top level instructors and at noted schools, including: Denny Chalker, Jeff Gonzales, Paul Howe, Pat McNamara, Alex Wilkie, Tony Blauer, Vladimir Vasiliev, Pavel Tsatsouline, Pat Rogers, Jason Falla, Mark Rippetoe, and at Blackwater, Modern Warrior, North American Rescue (MTT) and Gunsite (MTT), and a variety of State and Federal Schools.