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Jersey Tactical Corporation

Chalker Sling - Hunters

Chalker Sling - Hunters

Regular price $99.99 USD
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Chalker Sling - Hunters

The Chalker Sling - Hunters can be used for a firearm, crossbow, compound bow. rangefinder, binoculars, and much more for the hunter in the field all the mean time keeping the item at the ready all the time.

  • The Chalker Sling for Hunters is the latest application of the Chalker Sling - 2nd
    Generation, design by Command Master Chief Dennis the "SNAKE" Chalker (Command Master Chief: US Navy Seal retired) - Search Wikipedia: Dennis Chalker
  • The Chalker Sling for Hunters can be used a variety of weapons, such as Sub Machine Guns (SMG), rifles, carbines, shotguns, or shoulder mounted weapon, including 37 MM and 40 MM gas guns.
  • The Chalker Sling - Hunters allows for rapid switching of weapons and re-acquisition of your weapon when you come off of a rope/ladder.
  • The snap shackle allows the user to rapidly attach or release (by pulling red strap) a
    slung weapon.
  • Chalker Sling for Hunters allows the user to move the slung weapon across the body (left or right) without bringing it across the head/face, which may result in losing target acquisition/visibility.
  • There are no straps that cross your shoulders that may lead to contact with facial gear.

As in true JTC fashion the Chalker Sling for Hunters will be Made in the USA.


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